Rockefeller Center and an Amusing Personal Story

This week we had the lighting of the 90th Annual Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.

Did you know that the first Christmas tree was erected in 1931? It was during the Depression-era when construction of Rockefeller Center was underway. Italian-immigrant-laborers pooled their money for a 20-foot balsam fir Christmas tree. (This year the tree is 82 feet tall!) They then decorated it with handmade garlands and ornaments made from tin cans.

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The lighting of the tree signals the start of the Holiday Season here in NYC. It also brings up a memory of an amusing personal story.

One year, my sister Debbie came over to go Christmas tree shopping with me. We decided to see the tree at Rockefeller Center first, making it a Christmas tree extravaganza! We made our way up to Rockefeller Center, and oohed and ahhed, as one does, over the tree. It was quite the site to behold. After that we headed back downtown to my neighborhood to buy my tree. Well … after seeing the humungous tree at Rockefeller Center, it was hard to temper our enthusiasm, so we went for one of the largest trees on the lot, in front of Duane Reade that is. No lots in Manhattan, unless you want to park your car. 

Anyhoo, we excitedly carried it home, set it up in the metal tree stand, gave it a huge drink of water, and then waited for it to settle a bit before putting the lights on; while eating our cheeseburger deluxes delivered by Sunflower diner up the block.

And settle it did! Mamma mia! Now I must tell you, I live in a studio apartment here on the isle of Manhattan. Ok it’s considered a large studio, but it’s still a studio. As the tree began to settle it started taking up more and more space … so much so that we started to have to scale the wall just to pass by .… arms outstretched and hugging the wall. 

Wait … it gets better … The darn thing was too big for my small tree stand so it kept falling over. This continued for the next several days. I’d wake up in the morning and the tree would be on the floor. All the tipping over caused the water to drain from the stand. Missing out on all the fluids, the poor dear became dehydrated and got prematurely dry. When I’d pass by the tree, if I didn’t hug the wall enough to completely avoid it, my arm (or boob) would brush against it causing a whoosh of dried up pine needles cascading to the floor, creating a forest carpet in my Manhattan home. 

Needless to say my beautiful, large Christmas tree barely made it to Christmas, reaching curbside far too prematurely. And I was finding pine needles everywhere for the next 6 months! The moral of the story … never ever ever go see the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree before buying your own. 

My sister and I have had so many laughs over the years about that night. Speaking of Debbie … segue alert here … I want to share a great Christmas gift idea that she shared with me this week. She was over at PatriciaG’s Gift Shop doing some holiday shopping and the brilliant thought came to her to pair up my matching Tote Bags and Throw Blankets. Wow why didn’t I think of that? Thanks Deb!! The tote can serve as a gift bag (great for those who prefer to skip the wrapping), then just roll up the matching blanket and tuck it right in. Debbie also suggested adding candy and even packets of hot chocolate. Oh how warm and cozy your loved ones will be.

Below are some sample matches of my Rockefeller Center Collection, but there are many designs, along with tons of other gifts. I invite you to come on over to PatriciaG’s Gift Shop and as always, it would jingle my bells if you shared with family and friends. Grazie!

Happy Holiday Season and Big Love, PatriciaG

Start shopping HERE!