What Brings you Joy?

Wow can you believe Christmas Eve and Hanukkah are next week? Is time going by as fast for you as it is for me? I hope you’re getting everything done that you need, but also hoping you’re stopping to soak in some fa la la. 

We tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves to get it all done this time of year…the way we always do. I’ve been giving a lot of thought to this, and opening up to the idea that maybe all of it doesn’t need to get done after all. Sure, we have some traditions that will always be sacred. But do we really need to do it all? As I sat with my “to-do” list I decided to ask myself …. does doing this bring me Joy or does it feel more like an obligation? This created a new list: the I don’t have to do it this year list. 

Once I gave myself that permission, it freed me up to go in search of Joy. I invite you to give that same permission to yourself and say "hey you know what I’m not doing that this year.” Or better yet, “ I AM doing that this year” because it’s fun and it brings me Joy. What’s the thing you love that tends to fall off the to-do list because you just couldn’t get to it? My advice, if I may, is to move it up to your top 5, and bounce the thing you’ve done out of obligation to make room. Or just shorten your list altogether!

For me, my goal is to spend time with people I love and enjoy their company. I am soaking up good conversation, sharing Christmas lights and decorations, baking, decorating my apartment with all my cherished ornaments and tchotchke’s, and handing out gift-wrapped socks to homeless people. I also have candy canes on hand, gifting them to strangers on the street who seem to need a smile and a generous gesture, giving them to delivery guys with their tips, or to the waitress at the caffè who provided some extra special service. Feel free to borrow if you’d like to give it a try. It’s quite joyful!

Sharing special moments and favored treats with family and friends brings me so much Joy. Sometimes it’s chocolate, or fruit, or baked goods. Sometimes it’s a bottle of wine or my fav for celebrating the arrival of a New Year…Prosecco! (ahhh memories of Italia). And so, I thought for this week’s PatriciaG’s Gift Shop share, I’d introduce my wine chillers. I’ve chosen a select group of my photographs to compliment that bottle you’ll be bringing to your hosts this Holiday Season. Click on the images below for full view.

Long after the cork has been popped, the wine chiller remains for future gatherings and celebrations. Please visit PatriciaG’s Gift Shop to see the full collection and more. 

Happy Holidays to All and Big Love, PatriciaG

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* up to 25% off
…Free Standard Shipping on orders $75+ with code Merry22
* Wine Chillers: feature my designs with 360 degree wraparound, are dishwasher safe, fit most standard 750ml bottles, keep wine cool for hours
* as always, it would jingle my bells if you shared this with family and friends. And I’d love it if you shared what brings you JOY in the comments section below. Grazie!